Saturday, August 7, 2010

Storytelling -- Why It Matters -- English II

Telling stories is one of our favorite pastimes. Everyday we either tell a story, listen to one, or see one. As a society, we consume movies, music, books, graphic novels, and plays with a voracious appetite.

Storytelling is important to people because it is a way for us to connect to one another. By relating experiences, either made up or real, we are able to learn, explore and better understand the world we live in as well as our place in it.

What are the elements of storytelling, though? How can we know the difference between a good storyteller and a poor one?

A story can be broken up into some basic elements:
  • Plot -- the organized series of events. Every story should have one.
  • Characters
  • Setting
Being a good storyteller really has more to do with how the elements of a story are manipulated. This brings in other literary devices that teachers often talk about in class.
  • Mood or tone
  • Irony
  • Suspense
  • Theme
Good storytellers are always looking for a way to connect with an audience. This usually means finding a character or situation the audience can relate to. From there, once the audience is hooked, the storyteller will weave the other story elements together to create a fulfilling experience.

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