Thursday, August 12, 2010

Origin Myth Project Tips -- English III

Some of you might be struggling to get started with this project, so here is the process I went through to create my origin myth.
  1. Wrote the story out like an essay. Three paragraphs: beginning, middle, and end. Make sure your story sets up a character with a problem. The character should try to solve the problem. The end should involve what happens as a result of the character's solution.
  2. Create a list of events. I created a numbered list of events, up to 10, since the project requires 10 pages in your children's book.
  3. Write a script. Write out what you're going to say on each of the 10 pages. This way you won't make any major mistakes when you start putting together the book.
Lastly, make sure you try to have some fun with this. Get together with some friends in class and work together, bouncing ideas off of each other. The best stories come out of a desire to entertain, not just trying to get work done.

Good luck!

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